Saturday, September 1, 2007

I couldn't help myself.

OK, I'm weak. I admit it. I shouldn't have done it. But I just couldn't help myself.

The Newtons were calling my name. I could hear them begging to be let out of the closet. So, I took them out. But once out of the closet, they got even louder.

So, I did the unthinkable. I put them on and decided to go to the gym.

My plan was to take them for a spin on the treadmill. You know, just set the treadmill to a nice, slow pace. And walk a bit.

Well, that was cool for a minute or two, but I kinda wanted to see if I could tell the difference if I were to, say, jog slowly... So, I cranked the speed up a bit. Just a wee bit...

And they felt OK.

So, I cranked the speed up a wee bit more. Just to see, ya know.

My right foot was feeling OK, but I could feel a bit of soreness in my left foot. Two surgeries will do that to you, I guess...

So, I cranked the speed up a tiny bit more.

The treadmill at the gym seems to default to 30 minutes, so I figured that was a safe number. The teadmill knows better than I do, right?

Well, at the end of the 30 minutes I'd gone... 3.1 miles. Hey, a 5k! Not bad for not having run a step in many, many months. Of course, as I sit typing this, my feet are in an icewater bath and my teeth are a-chatterin'.

So, did I notice a difference with the Newtons? It is really too early to tell. My left heel is now aching, but I'm not sure that I was ever really a heel striker to begin with. Just soreness from the surgeries. At least that's what I'm hoping. Of course, tomorrow could come along and my feet could be all swollen and gross... We'll see...

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