Monday, September 10, 2007

Me? A "Visor Guy?"

OK, so here I am sitting around on what seems to be one of those "bonus" days off. I guess my boss figured I'd need an extra day to recover from staring at a million hours of streaming Ironman Wisconson video. Lol... My eyes are still kinda blurry... Anyway, his instructions to me were to take the day and "see if I could get some running done." Uh, sure, no problem, but do I really need the full day off to do that? And right now, I can't go swim any laps, 'cause the aqua-class thing is going on. I'm not sure what all the class entails, but it involves standing around and talking while using foam noodles. They should be gone in a few hours, so for now I'm just kinda surfing around and killing time...

Which brings me to the whole "visor thing." I've never been a "visor guy." Heck, until last year, I never even wore a hat while running! Just seemed like one more thing to keep track of. And don't we all already have WAY too much STUFF to keep track of? If someone had sat me down and explained just how much STUFF you had to have to do triathlons, I probably would have stuck with hockey. At least all of that STUFF stays in it's own bag out in the garage. (Those of you who have ever played know exactly why the hockey bag stays out there. Phew!)

But back to the visor. When I ordered the magic shoes (aka Newtons), there were a couple of surprises in the box. First was an extra pair of laces ('cause everyone wears out the laces of their shoes faster than the shoe itself?). Second was a pair of socks. Cool, we can never have enough socks, right? And the final surprise was a visor. I pulled it out and promply tossed it aside. I mean, what would I do with a visor? I'm more apt to use those extra laces! Right?

Eventually I picked the visor back up. It is made by a company named Headsweats. OK, so I'd heard of Headsweats before. Sounded to me like more STUFF I had to keep track of (and spend money on). But seeing as the visor was FREE... So, I tried it on. Yeah, I looked like a dork. But I look that way even when I'm not wearing a visor too...

So, one moring last week, right around 6am or so, when I knew there wouldn't be many people over at the park, I decided to take the visor along for a test spin. Just to see what it would be like. The temperature was already in the upper 80's, which is about as cool as it ever gets here this time of year, so it was the perfect opportunity see how it worked.

And you know, I kinda liked it. It shaded me from the sun, it kept my head cool-ish and it sucked up a lot of sweat. I know, eeewwwww... The downside is I still feel like a dork in it. Hmmm, cool-shaded-fairly dry head versus dorkdom.

So, maybe the visor crowd is onto something? Aw, heck, I guess there was a "visor guy" deep inside me the whole time...

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