Friday, August 31, 2007

The Newtons

I want to be out and running sooooo bad that I am going slowly mad. But, two heel surgeries in the last few months have me looking for a quick fix. Heck, I'd be happy with a slow fix with a magic date waiting for me at the end.

I've never been much of a heel striker, but now I've become almost paranoid about landing on my fragile heels. I know how much my heels hurt right now (well, one anyway, the other is ok - at least today) but I simply cannot imagine running and landing on either of them. Ugh.

So, I decided to take a chance on a pair of running shoes that I've seen advertised in a magazine.

Newtons. Designed with blah-blah-blah to encourage a fore- and mid-foot strike. Cool! Sign me up!

At first I figured it would be as easy as going o the runner's den and trying on a pair. Oops. Apparently Newton only sells direct from their website. So much for being able to trying on a pair! But if they actually do what they claim to do, well...

But here's the sticking part. I'm not really a gambling sort of guy. To me, big action up in Vegas involves putting down a couple of two-dollar bets on the horses. And when I lose, I feel bad. At least until they bring me a free beer. Lol... Anyway, deciding to throw down $175 (plus shipping!) on these magic Newtons had me feeling like the biggest whale that ever visited the Vegas strip.

But I threw down the cash anyway...

Here they are in all their ugly glory. Probably the ugliest things that I own. Oh, well, they are supposed to be magic, right?

So, say hello to my newest friends...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Cast Is OFF!

Finally. The cast is off and I'm back in the pool and on the bike trainer a bit. I'm amazed at just how much fitness I've lost over the summer! OK, maybe spring AND summer. Not that adding an extra season there makes me feel any better. Lol... But it does feel good to be moving again. Really good. Really, really good!

I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the running thing yet. A huge part of me wants to jump back in as soon as I can squeeze a running shoe on my foot. But then there is that silly little voice, waaaaayy deep down inside that is already yelling at me for even CONSIDERING it. What a pain in the butt that voice is. But the thing is that I really miss running. And I've missed the run way more than I've missed being in the pool or on the bike.

So, how soon is too soon? I mean I know I can't go out and pound the streets tonight. Or tomorrow night. But what about the treadmill? See, I keep looking for something... Any excuse...

Aw, heck. Why stress it about it now anyway. I'm just being silly. I think I'll just go swim some laps instead. Maybe I can run to the pool... Lol, just kidding! Sorta...